The media and entertainment sector has been one of the first to go through serious transformation. In this exercise VRT looked at the new (post-Covid) challenges that are both technological and societal by nature. We co-created a vision to enforce VRT’s position as a local hero in an increasingly global (media)world.
About the client
The VRT, is the national public-service broadcaster for the Flemish Community of Belgium. With their television (Eén, Canvas, Ketnet and Sporza) and radio channels (Radio 1, Radio 2, Klara, Stubru, and MNM), VRT wants to inform, inspire and connect all Flemings, and thus strengthen the Flemish society.

"It was refreshing to use Scopernia to draw a broader picture of the many changes that VRT faces as a media company, beyond the familiar technology debate. Linking the social changes to the major changes in media behaviour brought us new insights". Frederik Delaplace, CEO VRT
Project Objectives
- Obtain a view on the future of media and entertainment in the context of digital and societal evolutions.
- Create an aligned vision, that covers both digital and societal elements, in order to accelerate VRT's transformation process.
The media and entertainment sector has been subject to transformation for a long time. They have faced multiple disruptions in the digital transformation field, and are very aware of the fact that new challenges are just around the corner. While they were busy adapting on the digital front, they realised they had a growing need for societal challenges to be embedded in their vision and strategy of tomorrow.
The executive committee of VRT asked us to inspire them on the future of media and entertainment. What is happening in the market? What new disruptions do we see coming? Are we ready for the new needs and behaviours of the next generation? We did not only discuss technological trends in media and entertainment, but also societal trends like the impact of Covid on the global/local debate, the social divide, the fake news infodemic, geo-political media wars, etcetera.
Discussing these current and future challenges, the unique and differentiating power of the public broadcaster was defined. We co-created a vision to keep the VRT a local hero in an increasingly global (media)world, by leveraging the unique knowledge of the Flemish community.
An high-level strategic vision on the position VRT wants to take in an evolving (media) landscape
A plan with well-defined opportunities for a public broadcaster, that leverages both existing media channels and new local touchpoints in the community